Big Forest


1 min read

Well, I am a courius person so after studying html, css and js basics y wanted to know what else is out there and made a four month period course of Big Data. It started great, we've saw some sql and nosql, loved python but struggled with excel and staff just begun to seem more and more complicated. Sadly the teacher needed to follow the program dates so we were 70 at the start and I think just about 10 people at most ended it understending something.

At the end I felt frustrated beacuse of all the time I thought I lost there but it helped me understand that it was a big topic for me and there is a long long way to go.

So my personal metaphore is that sometimes the forest is sunny and with a nice path and sometimes the sun comes down and it seems scary, you suddenly don't see a path anyway but at the the sun will come out again.
